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Our class value is Forgiveness

Our Class Bible verse

Be kind and tender-hearted to one another, and forgive one another, as God has forgiven you through Christ.

Ephesians 4 v32

Our Class Prayer

Dear Lord, 

Thank you for our school and helping us to play and learn.

Thank you for my friends and family and all the love they give to me.


Welcome to Reception!

Welcome to our Reception Class! 

The staff in Reception are as follows:

Mrs Bentley- Class Teacher  

Miss Upton - Class Teaching Assistant

Mrs Redmond - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Halewood - Teaching Assistant

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our Reception doors open at 8.40 a.m. with fine motor activities out in the classroom, so that the children can get busy straight away. The register is taken at 8.55 a.m. prompt. At the end of the day, the children can be collected between 3.10 and 3.20 p.m.

The children will be given book bags which they should bring into school every day. We aim to hear the children read twice a week and will change their reading book on a Friday. They will also choose a 'Reading for Pleasure' book on a Friday, these books are for sharing and enjoying together.

Along with the reading book, we will also send home a word card. On it there are green words for them to sound out and red words which they cannot sound out and have to be able to just recognise, e.g. I. Please encourage your child to become more familiar with these words by reading them with them alongside their reading book. 

We value support from parents and strongly encourage you to read with your child at home every day.

On a Thursday we will share Learning at Home activities on Class Dojo. These will be fun, quick activities that will be based on the Phonics and Maths that we have been learning in class.

P.E is on Wednesday mornings. The children need to come to school in their P.E kit and outdoor shoes (trainers or school shoes). Pumps will be kept in school and we will put them on just before the lesson. 

Each day the children are provided with fruit and milk/water. We also ask for a voluntary contribution, each half term, to provide an additional snack. As well as providing a healthy snack for the class, we use this money to purchase additional resources for baking activities and ingredients for play dough etc. The cost is £5.00 per half term.

At the end of Reception year we assess children against their Early Learning Goals (ELGs). Below is a poster showing you the expectation at the end of Foundation Stage for your child. Please take time to look at these and see how you might be able to support your child at home.

Thank you for your support

The Reception Team 

Our Reception Classroom and Outdoor Area

Making Our Mark

The children have settled well into Reception. They have been getting to know the areas and rules and routines, making friendships, learning new skills and having fun! 

EYFS Guidance

Helpful websites

  • Hungry Little Minds
    A government website for simple, fun activities for children from newborn to 5.

  • Numberblocks
    We use Numberblocks to enhance our learning when teaching our number of the week and other concepts in Maths

  • Jack Hartmann
    Counting, rhyme, shape,subitising (which is just spot pattern recognition) and exercise (avoid the phonics ones as they are American so not always pronounced correctly).

  • Cosmic Yoga
    Gentle, fun exercise linked to stories or topics

  • Topmarks
    Games and links for Maths and Literacy

  • Twinkl
    A range of activities and resources to cover all of the curriculum

  • Tricky words
    Songs to support the teaching of tricky words