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‘There is a strong culture of safeguarding in the school. Leaders put the safety and well-being of the pupils at the heart of their work.’ Ofsted, March 2019.

How we keep our children safe: 


  • At St. Luke's Halsall CE Primary we are committed to promoting the safeguarding and welfare of our pupils
  • Our school Safeguarding Policy explains how we work together to keep our pupils safe
  • Copies of this policy and other school policies are available from the school office
  • Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mr Miller, Mrs Jones and Miss Collins
  • Our governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs Deninson


Should you have any concerns about the welfare, neglect or abuse of a child please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads.


If you are worried that a child may be suffering significant harm, or if you are concerned that a child has suffered harm, neglect or abuse, please follow the advice below.
Members of the public can:

  • Call 0845 140 0845 (calls cost 2p per minute, plus your phone company's access charge) between 8am and 6pm (minicom 0151 934 4657).
  • Or contact the emergency duty team on 0151 920 8234 for urgent advice outside of office hours (from 5.30pm Mon to Thurs, and 4pm Friday and weekends). If you think a child is in immediate danger call for police assistance.


Click on the link below which will take you to the webpage for making a referral:
