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Our School Governors

Welcome to the Governors' section.

The Governing Body of St Luke’s play a crucial role in the life and work of our school.  The Governing Body consists of representatives from Sefton Local Authority, The Liverpool Diocese, the local community as well as parents and staff.  They have a committee system (see below) and make decisions about many aspects of our school. 



Lesley Deninson


Vice Chair

Jo Cowin


Clerk to Governors

Gemma Jones-Watts


Please contact Mrs Jones-Watts, Clerk to Governors, in the first instance should you need to contact the governors -


Lesley Deninson



Leadership & Management 

Quality of Education

Resource Committee (Chair)

Vision & Values


HT Performance Management

Pay Review Committee


Safeguarding Governor

Looked After Children Governor

Health & Safety Governor (temp)

English Link Governor

Governor since





Diocesan Board of Education

 4 years

Joanne Cowin

(Vice Chair)


Leadership & Management (Chair)

Quality of Education


DT Link Governor

Governor since





St Luke's Church4 years

Lyn Newsham


Resource Committee


HT Performance Management

Pay Review Committee


Attendance Link Governor

Humanities Link Governor

Governor since





St Luke’s Church

 4 years

Janice Scobbie


Quality of Education (Chair)

Admissions Committee

Staff MHWB Committee


EYFS Link Governor

Well-being Link Governor

Governor since





St Luke’s Church

 4 years

Sally GriffithsDeputy Headteacher

Quality of Education

Leadership & Management

Resource Committee

Vision & Values 

Governor Since


Governing Body 

Richard Miller


Leadership & Management

Quality of Education

Resource Committee

Vision & Values 

Admissions (Chair)

Pay Review Committee (Advisory)

Governor since


Governing Body


Caroline RamseyLA Appointed

Leadership & Management

Resource Committee

HT Performance Management

Pay Review Committee


Maths Link Governor

Computing Link Governor

Governor since



Re-elected 05/03/2021


Governing Body 4 years
Lesley SharpFoundation

Quality of Education

Resource Committee


Inclusion Governor

SEND Governor

Governor since





St Luke's Church

4 years

Rev. Amanda Copplestone BruceDiocese

Leadership & Management

Vision & Values

Staff MHWB Committee (Chair)

Admissions Committee


Art Link Governor

PE Link Governor

Well-being Link Governor

Governor since




Hayley JamesParent

Vision & Values


Worship & RE Link Governor

Music Link Governor

Governor since


Parent4 years
Siobhan MullanStaffQuality of Education

Governor since


Governing Body4 years
Zorina JonesFoundation

Quality of Education

Resource Committee


MFL Link Governor

Governor since


St Luke's Church4 years
Jane CrichtonParent

Vision & Values

PSHE Link Governor

Governor since


Parent4 years
Luke ScaifeFoundation

Resource Committee


Science Link

Governor since


St Luke's Church4 years




Former Governors




Date Appointed

Appointed By

Term of Office

Stood Down

Rev Pete Spiers




4 years


Mr Paul Masterson



St Luke’s Church

4 years


Mrs Mel GrahamStaff9/10/2008Staff4 years31/08/2017
Mrs Jan CullenAssociate9/10/2008Governing Body4 years31/08/2018
Mrs Sandra JonesAssociate06/11/2006Governing Body4 years31/08/2020
Mr Alex AitkenFoundation03/03/2016St Luke's Church4 years01/10/2020
Mr James ClarkeParent01/10/2014Parents4 years31/08/2021
Mrs Chris CoatesStaff01/09/2018Staff4 years31/08/2022



Register of Business/Financial Interests



Register of Interests


Mr Richard Miller


Member of St Michael’s CE High School, Crosby, Governing Body





Record of Attendance 2022-23



Scheduled Meetings

Meetings attended

Apologies Accepted


Rev. Amanda Bruce10550

Mrs Joanne Cowin

Mrs Jane Crichton7520

Mrs Lesley Deninson


Mrs Sally Griffiths

Mrs Hayley James7430

Mr Richard Miller

Miss Siobhan Mullan1111N/A0

Mrs Lyn Newsham


Dr Caroline Ramsey

Mr Luke Scaife4400

Mrs Jann Scobbie


Mrs Lee Sharp

Mrs Zorina Jones10820


Our Governors



Lesley Deninson - Chair

I was appointed to the governing body of St. Luke's Halsall as a foundation governor in 2012 and became Chair of Governors in September 2013. I really enjoy being part of this welcoming, caring and vibrant school with wonderful staff and amazing boys and girls. Working with the governors, Mr Miller and his staff to ensure the children receive the very best care and education within the love of God is an absolute privilege.

Until July 2012 I too was a Headteacher of a C of E primary school in Ainsdale, having previously worked as a teacher at St Luke’s Halsall!! My own sons, who are now grown up attended this school, so to be a governor here feels like ‘coming home’!  I now work for the Liverpool diocese as an adviser for Collective Worship, Christian Leadership and Spiritual Development. This involves working with colleagues and in schools…a role which I love!  I look forward to continuing my role at St Luke’s Halsall and to sharing in the next exciting stage of its journey.



Jo Cowin - Vice Chair

I am a parent of three children who all attended and enjoyed their time at St Luke’s Halsall CE School. Two are now in high school and one has finished school and going to university. I was a pupil of St Luke's myself when I was a child. For many years I have been involved in the church and school community of St Luke’s. During my career break from secondary school teaching I wanted to give something back to support the school so in September 2012 I became a Foundation Governor having been voted in by the St Luke’s Parochial Church Council. I became Vice Chair of Governors in September 2015.

As part of my role as a Governor I attend full governors meetings and also sit on various committee groups. We aim to continuously ensure high standards are maintained for our pupils to achieve their maximum potential in a safe, caring and Christian environment. 

I am privileged to be on the school governing body and look forward to continuing to support the school, staff, pupils and parents.


Richard Miller

I took up the post of Headteacher in September 2010 and as such hold the role of ‘Headteacher Governor’. I commenced teaching in 1995 and prior to appointment I had been Headteacher at another Church of England primary school for four and a half years.  It is a great privilege and a blessing to be able to lead our outstanding school with such wonderful children and devoted staff. The governing body undertakes an excellent job in monitoring, supporting and challenging the work of the school, ensuring the children are nurtured and receive the best possible education during their time at St. Luke’s Halsall CE Primary, all under the umbrella of God’s love.  The governing body is here to serve the children and as such I am always available should you wish to meet and discuss any issues or concerns.


Lyn Newsham 

I was appointed a Foundation governor in November 2013. As a worshiping member of St Luke's Church I felt the link between church and school was an important role to fill.  Being part of the school family and supporting both Mr Miller, the whole school staff and of course the children has been challenging, purposeful, as well as rewarding. Living locally, my own children who are in their late 30's and early 40's were pupils at St Luke's Halsall and looking back I really appreciate the strong foundations they received whilst pupils, so in my own way I have been privileged enough to be part of the same school, not as a parent but as a governor helping present pupils to receive the very best of education coupled with the strong Christian ethos of the school.  I will continue to learn and develop my role and support the school to the best if my ability.


Jann Scobbie

I was appointed as a Foundation Governor to St Luke’s Halsall in July 2015. I feel privileged to hold this office. My time spent in this vibrant school is a great sense of joy to me and I thoroughly enjoy listening and learning. I see first-hand good care and education alongside respect for all. I have a vested interest in both church and school as my grandchildren were recent pupils. I am a regular member of St.Lukes congregation.  Although retired I enjoy many activities including Sew for Charity which benefits patients of local hospitals, and also I’m a Vice-president of Sefton Girl Guides.
As part of my governor role I enjoy a special relationship with EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) Staff and Pupils. I’m also chair of Quality of Education and active member of Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing committee.


Lee Sharp

I have recently been appointed to the Governing Body of St Luke’s Halsall as a Parent Governor.  My daughter is a pupil in the Reception class and she has progressed both socially and academically and has gained in both confidence and independence.  I am excited and enthusiastic about this new opportunity to contribute to such a welcoming and caring school.

At present, I am working part time as a legal adviser for the Citizens Advice Bureau as I have just completed my legal training as the University of Law in Chester.  I have degrees in both History and Law and achieved distinction level in my Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Legal Skills.  Prior to the law, my employment background was in Facilities Management and Merchandising at Littlewoods.  I have grown up in Crosby and as a family we attend St Luke’ Church on a regular basis.


Cannon Rev Amanda Bruce

As the vicar for St Luke’s church in Crosby I am therefore automatically a foundation governor, and have been here and involved in St Luke’s Halsall for 7 years.  As a Governor, I am on the Vision and Values committee as well as part of the Leadership & Management committee. I also act as a Link Governor for the Year 6 class and for PE and Art & DT.  

My role as a Vicar for the school is more practical and hands-on than many governors can be. I am involved in services that the school comes to church for, assemblies once every few week and lessons as requested.  I am also generally in school once a week working with Y6 and anyone else who wants me, and my dog.  Poppy is a miniature schnauzer and is the approved school dog for St Luke’s Halsall.  She is very good at listening to children read.  I am also available for any pastoral care or well-being concern that arises, and with that in mind I chair the Wellbeing & Mental Health sub-group that endeavours to support staff wellbeing.

I used to work as a primary school teacher and then as a youth minister for a deanery of churches in the Cotswolds, so have a natural interest in children and young people.  I love seeing the potential they have and helping them to grow into being the best they can be.  I very much enjoy, then, being part of the Governing body and the Vicar for a church school. and always hope that I can be a part of the school’s development as we aim to be outstanding in everyday. I also seek to build the partnership we have as a church and a school in our community.


Dr Caroline Ramsey


Sally Griffiths

I was delighted to take up the post of Deputy Headteacher in October 2020.  I feel privileged to teach and lead in a school with such lovely children, families and such devoted staff.  I previously worked for twelve years in another Church of England Primary School in Southport and I worship myself at St. Luke's, Formby.  I am committed to helping all members of our school community grow together through the love of Jesus.  I see the value of working closely with families with strong home/school links at the heart of what I believe.  It's an honour to be part of the governing body here at St. Luke's and would be very happy to talk further about any element of school life.  


Hayley James

I became a parent governor in 2020 when my 2 boys began attending our school. I am a pioneer for the Methodist Church, with a background in youth and children's ministry and have always had a heart for children and young people. Therefore it is a privilege to be a part of governing body here and support such a caring and faith based school.


Luke Scaife

As a secondary school teacher and parent of two children at St Luke’s School I see every day the value of passionate educators and the dedication and hard work that goes into a successful school, I feel privileged to be able to contribute to such a caring, devoted, and cheerful school as a Foundation Governor and to see the students of St Luke’s building their futures together with Jesus. I am relatively new to my role as Governor but look forward to continuing to support the school, staff, students, and parents and taking on more rolls and responsibilities as I grow in experience.


Jane Crichton

I became a parent governor in 2021. I have 3 children who have been pupils at St Luke’s Halsall. My eldest two children are now in high school, my youngest is still a pupil here. St Luke’s is a wonderful school. The school community is a welcoming and a positive environment for children to grow and learn. Staff are warm and caring and have helped to shape and prepare my children for each next step as they have taken them. I am excited to grow in my role as a governor and offer my support to
school, parents and pupils.



We monitor the attendance of our governors very carefully. We are pleased to say that apart from the occasional extenuating circumstances which prevents attendance, all our governors are highly committed to their role. 
